Member Account Verification Audit

The Supervisory Committee has engaged an independent auditing firm, Kwock and Company, CPAs, to perform a Member Account Verification Audit for the period ending December 31, 2024, in accordance with the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) rules and regulations. The CPA firm will assist the committee in randomly selecting loan and share accounts to confirm that your loan or share balance agree to the Credit Union records.


If you receive a letter
If you receive the confirmation letter, please check the balance on your December 2024 statement and make sure it is the same balance listed on the confirmation letter. Return the confirmation letter with your response in the enclosed business reply envelope addressed to:

Kwock & Company CPAs
3660 Waialae Avenue, Suite 304
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816.
To learn more about the HawaiiUSA Supervisory Committee, click here.