Meet the current members of HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union's Supervisory Committee. 

Working for you 

Our supervisory team focuses on the long-term interests of our members and ensure our operations remain appropriate.

Denise Yoshida
Denise Yoshida
Elton Kinoshita
Elton Kinoshita
Vice Chair
Russell Suzuki
Russell Suzuki
R. Scott Simon
R. Scott Simon

Supervisory Committee Tasks

  • Ensure that the members' funds are safe and financial resources of the credit union are safeguarded
  • Hire an external auditor firm to conduct an annual audit. The audit requires an opinion to determine whether the financial statements present fairly the condition of the credit union. The auditor may also be contracted to perform other agreed-upon duties
  • Supervise the internal auditor staff with the coordination of the President and CEO
  • Conduct a members' verification audit at least once every two years. The audit is designed to help safeguard members' funds
  • Review management policies and procedures to determine if they follow board policies
  • Review operational procedures, review loans to officials, and is continually aware of the credit union's state of operations to assure internal controls and safe practices
  • Assist members if they believe there is a problem with their account

People with Whom the Supervisory Committee Works

Internal Auditor - Reviews daily operations for proper internal controls. The Auditor is supervised by the Committee (for overall operational review) and the CEO (for daily operational review). The Auditor and staff also suggest alternative operational practices which would improve credit union efficiency and financial security

External Auditor - Reviews, annually, the financial statements of the credit union for the purposes of providing an opinion as to the fairness of the information reported

Need Assistance from the Supervisory Committee? 

Please contact us at the following address:

Supervisory Committee Chairman 
 P.O. Box 23226 
 Honolulu, HI 96822

Or email [email protected]

Describe what you believe is the situation, how you believe the situation occurred, and provide a phone number or address. The Committee will only respond to questions about your credit union account or general operational procedures. Any problems with personnel should first be referred to a supervisor or manager. If your request is not satisfactorily handled and you still wish to seek assistance then write to the Committee.



Volunteers Achievement Program (VAP): Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities, Supervisory Committee Duties and Responsibilities, Auditing 1, Auditing 2. NAFCU - "A Guide to Credit Union Volunteering." National Credit Union Institute - "Supervisory Committee: Duties and Responsibilities." NCUA - "Supervisory Committee Handbook." The Federal Credit Union - "Credit Union Watchdogs," Sept/Oct 2003, pgs 31-32, 42.