Your money makes money

Earn dividends on your money and watch your savings grow with competitive interest rates

Zero setup or monthly service fees

Less is more when it comes to paying fees!

Safe and secure

Your money is insured by the NCUA up to the highest possible amount allowed—$250,000

Stay connected anytime, anywhere

Free access to Digital Banking and the HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union Mobile App

Your HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union savings account can help you get what matters most to you.

  • $5 minimum opening deposit
  • No setup fee or monthly account service fee
  • 24/7 Online Banking and Direct Deposit
  • Convenient mobile banking with our free app
  • One Cashier’s Check per day at no cost ($8 each additional)
  • No-cost Notary service for first two signatures
  • Access to HawaiiUSA's additional Branch Services
  • $10,000 minimum opening deposit
  • Unlimited deposits to grow your money at your own pace
  • No setup fee or monthly service account fee
  • 24/7 Online Banking and Direct Deposit
  • Convenient mobile banking with our free app

More ways to help your savings grow

Take the fast track
Use Direct Deposit to send a portion of your paycheck right to your savings account.
Make it automatic
Our Digital Banking tools can help you schedule automatic transfers from checking to savings on a regular basis.
eLife Checking

The checking account that makes it easy to earn more

Make everyday banking extraordinary and earn 5.00% APY with eLife Checking

Frequently asked questions

Savings and checking accounts serve different purposes, and each has its advantages. A savings account is designed for long-term savings and those with higher interest rates can help your money grow over time. It's ideal for emergency funds or saving for specific goals. On the other hand, a checking account provides easy access to your funds for daily transactions, bill payments, and ATM withdrawals. With an interest-bearing checking account, you can earn money from the cash you deposit. To effectively manage your finances, it's recommended to have both types of accounts. Keep a sufficient balance in your checking account for everyday expenses and use a savings account to accumulate savings and earn interest.

Three key reasons why you should have a savings account are:

  1. Emergency preparedness: A savings account provides a financial safety net for unexpected expenses, ensuring you have funds readily available during emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.
  2. Goal-oriented saving: save systematically for specific financial goals, such as a down payment on a home, a dream vacation, or starting a business. It helps you stay organized and disciplined in achieving your objectives.
  3. Interest accumulation: By keeping your money in a savings account, you can earn interest on your balance, allowing your savings to grow over time. The compounding effect of interest can significantly enhance your overall savings and provide passive income.

A Share Certificate and a CD (Certificate of Deposit) are essentially the same. They both represent fixed-term deposit accounts offered by banks and credit unions. The main difference lies in the terminology used by these institutions. Share Certificates are typically offered by credit unions, while CDs are commonly used by banks. Both products have predetermined terms, locked-in funds, and fixed interest rates. Early withdrawal may result in penalties. In terms of their function and benefits, they provide a secure investment option with a guaranteed return, making them suitable for individuals looking to earn interest on their savings over a fixed period.

A Share Certificate can be advantageous in several situations: 

  1. Higher interest rates: Share Certificates often offer higher interest rates compared to regular savings accounts. This can be beneficial if you want to maximize your earnings on a fixed amount of money over a specific term.
  2. Fixed-term savings: If you have a specific savings goal on a set timeline, such as saving for a down payment on a house or a major purchase, a Share Certificate allows you to lock in your funds for a predetermined period and earn interest until maturity.
  3. Financial discipline: By placing funds in a Share Certificate, you commit to not accessing the money until the term ends. This can help you avoid impulsive spending and maintain disciplined saving habits.

Savings Resources

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